Wednesday, March 23, 2011

He's here!

On March 22, I brought home Toby, my new pup, who will one day be my PSD. He is an Apricot Standard Poodle and will be 16 weeks on April 4th. I was worried I would have a hard time choosing between him and his brother, but he made the choice easy, he choose me!

He is settling in nicely, we havent had any accidents so far, and he is getting along with his "sister" Zoe just fine. He is learning to respond to his name (the breeder was calling him "Turbo" so its not too far off). He is a very laid back dog, just taking everything so far in stride.

He had a play date last night with my best friend's Chinese Crested Pup, Stella and he had a blast, and this morning he went for a car ride to drop Ninja off at daycare and he was so good and just layed in the back nicely.

I'm still trying to figure out what is going to be the best way to train him and get his attention, as he doesnt seem to be food/treat motivated, and I've never had a dog that wasnt totally into yummies before. He likes praise, but I'm not sure how to get his attention in order to teach the commands...I'm sure we'll figure something out though, he's a very smart boy, and we seem to be bonding well. He follows me around where ever I go, and if we are outside he checks in frequently to make sure I am still "where he left me". Right now he's asleep with his head on my feet.

My goal for this week is to expose him to as many new people as I can, and try to get him used to his leash. He still needs one more round of puppy shots before I take him out to too many places where dogs have been though.

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